This seems to be the post everyone has been waiting for. Cooper Wilson Emerick!!! He arrived July 22, 2008 at 3:07 pm, 18 inches long and 6 pounds 7 ounces. Now most of you know he wasn't due until Aug 8 but I was having some blood pressure issues so I went in for observation on July 21st. They said if it didn't go down they were going to induce me. we were actually kind of excited although I was a little nervous that the baby would have problems if that were the case. I am such a worry wart. It was kind of funny everytime my blood pressure would get better Corbin would be disappointed because we really wanted this kid out. I was an ornery wreck=)... Any way it ended up my blood pressure continued to rise and they decided they would start me at 6:00 pm on Monday with cervigel which I didn't understand would start contractions I thought it would just soften my cervix. All night I had contractions, not bad ones it just felt like pms. Then they decided they would start me with patocin(I have no idea how to spell it) at 6:00 am on tues. When that time came I was still only dialated to a one so they made me wait. They even almost sent me home. It was about that time when I started dialating. I was all of a sudden at a 4..This part is a little blurry for me. I think this is when my water broke and I sure as heck wanted the epideral. All I have to say is wow! Any one who doesn't have one is NUTSO...sorry if that is some of you. After my water broke they checked me again and I was at a 10, but the nurse had a worried look on her face. She said holy cow your at a 10, but I don't think that is a head. No thats a butt, let me get the doctor. So I started to cry and cry I knew that meant I would have to have a C-section after going through all of that. They rushed me in for an emergency C-section. Corbin got to watch the whole thing. When they pulled Cooper out he wasn't breathing as good as they wanted so they took him down to the NICU for a couple of hours. They just had to get some liquid in him and her perked right up. We were so happy. The recovery wasn't as bad as everyone made it sound but it wasn't a cake walk either. I was just really glad to have him out.. we won't be doing this again for at least 3 years....But we are so happy to have Cooper in our lives.